Deciphering Delta Airlines Infant Policy: A Comprehensive Guide to Adding a Lap Infant

Delta Airlines Infant Policy Overview

As you navigate the world of air travel with a baby, it’s essential to understand the Delta Airlines infant policy. This policy impacts how you’ll book your tickets, handle in-flight comfort, and bring necessary items on the plane.

Delta understands that traveling with an infant can be daunting. Their policy is designed to make the journey as smooth as possible. Delta allows passengers to add a lap infant to their ticket in a straightforward, hassle-free way. This means your baby, aged between 7 days and 2 years, is allowed to travel seated in your lap without needing a separate ticket.

But, you should know that it’s only applicable for domestic flights within the United States. If you’re planning on international travel, Delta follows a different set of rules. For international flights, they require infants to have a ticket, even if they’re seated in your lap.

Delta also provides additional conveniences for families traveling with an infant. You’re permitted to bring infant’s food, milk, and a stroller or car seat without additional charges.

Also, if the flight isn’t full, you may be allowed to use an empty seat for your infant even without buying an additional ticket. But remember, it’s not guaranteed and subject to seat availability.

Last but not least, for the safety and comfort of infants, Delta has specific rules in place. For example, infant car seats must be FAA-approved, and infants cannot occupy a seat in an exit row.

A little bit of planning and understanding can let you enjoy your journey without worry. So, make your baby’s air travel safer and smoother by staying informed about the detailed policy. Delta is there to ensure your journey, along with your little one, is as comfortable as possible.

Age and Eligibility Requirements for Lap Infants

Delta Airlines’ infant policy specifies certain age and eligibility requirements for traveling as a lap infant. It’s critical that you familiarize yourself with these stipulations for a hassle-free journey.

Delta considers children under the age of two as infants. According to the policy, these infants can travel on your lap during domestic flights. But, you must provide proof of age such as a birth certificate or passport. Infants reaching their second birthday while overseas must have a return ticket. It’s so crucial to plan your travel dates well to eschew any problems.

For international journeys, there’s a twist to the tale. No matter how young they are, infants must have their own tickets. While they may still sit on your lap, they cannot travel without a ticket. It’s important to note that the infant fare is usually a percentage of the adult fare, and specific rules apply.

You’re also required to share the infant’s name and date of birth at the time of booking. Don’t worry, this information will not appear on your ticket but will ensure a smoother process at the check-in desk.

Here’s a concise table summarizing the eligibility requirements.

  Domestic Flights International Flights
Age Limit for Lap Infants Under 2 years Under 2 years
Ticket Requirement No Yes
Proof of Age Needed Yes Yes
Name and DOB Needed at the time of Booking Yes Yes

Remember, Delta has a customer-first approach and recognizes that traveling with little ones can often pose some unique challenges. Their infant policy is designed to make your journey smoother.

Booking a Ticket for a Lap Infant

Booking a ticket for your lap infant with Delta Airlines can be a seamless process. You need to follow some key pointers to ensure a successful booking.

When adding a lap infant to your booking, you need to provide accurate information relating to the baby. Key to note is that Delta Airlines requires the child’s name and date of birth at the time of booking. Make sure to have these details close by during the booking process. The airline uses this information to verify the child’s age, an important criteria in their infant policy.

Delta Airlines allows infants under the age of two to travel domestically on the lap of an adult. But, for international flights, even lap infants must have their own ticket. This may seem like an inconvenience. But let’s remember Delta’s primary aim is to make traveling with infants a smoother process. Ensuring every passenger, no matter how young, has a ticket, contributes to this aim.

Age Flight Type Ticket Requirement
Under 2 Domestic On adult’s lap
Under 2 International Separate ticket

If you’re unsure about any aspect of booking your infant’s ticket, Delta Airlines’ customer service is always ready to help. Their team is well-trained to address your queries about lap infant policy or any other concern you might have about your travel.

By now, you might have a clear understanding of Delta Airlines’ infant policy. But if you still have some questions lingering, the next section will further investigate into the details of the policy. Each section of this article helps to understand various aspects of the infant policy, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the process. Don’t skip any, as each has important details. The upcoming sections are equally important.

Adding a Lap Infant to an Existing Reservation

Delta Airlines values its youngest travelers and truly understands the need for flexibility, especially when you’re traveling with a baby. Got an existing reservation and just realized you want to add your lap infant to it? No worries! Delta’s customer-friendly policies and top-notch customer service are here to make the process simple and smooth for you.

Firstly, let’s get started with the crucial question: how to add a lap infant to your existing reservation? It’s simple, quick, and hassle-free. Here’s your step by step guide:

  1. Log into your account on Delta’s website or mobile app.
  2. Hit the “Manage My Trips” option.
  3. Locate and open your existing reservation which requires modification.
  4. Scan the page for a “Seat Selection” or “Passenger Info” section.
  5. Add your infant’s name, just as it is on the proof of age document you’ll present at the airport.
  6. Complete by adding your infant’s date of birth.

Remember, accuracy is paramount. Delta’s system verifies the name and age based on the data you provide. Any discrepancy here could lead to issues at the airport, disrupting your carefully planned itinerary.

If you find any roadblocks, or if the technology seems pesky, Delta’s outstanding customer service is available 24/7 for any assistance you might need. Just dial their toll-free number, and a knowledgeable representative will guide you through the process, ensure you’ve made the reservation modification correctly, and put all your concerns to rest.

A handy tip to note: if your baby turns two during the journey, you must book a separate seat for the return trip, as Delta’s lap infant policy only includes children under two.

Now that you’re familiar with the process to add a lap infant to an existing Delta reservation, your journey with your youngest family member would be as smooth as possible. Delta is committed to delivering a superb, stress-free flying experience to all its passengers, no matter how little they are.

Required Documentation for Lap Infants

Adding a lap infant to your reservation doesn’t just need accurate information. Echoing the importance of documentation, you also need to bring along some essential paperwork. Delta Airlines is strict about the documentation required for traveling with a lap infant, both for domestic and international flights.

For domestic flights:
On domestic flights, you are required to provide proof of your infant’s age. This can be a:

  • birth certificate
  • passport
  • immunization record

While it may seem like a hassle, having proof readily available can smooth out the process. It’s crucial for establishing your infant’s age and ensuring their eligibility to be a lap infant.

For international flights:
If you’re travelling internationally, the requirements are a bit different. Here, your lap infant must have their valid passport, regardless of their age. Delta Airlines follows international travel laws and guidelines in this regard. For some countries, additional documentation like visa, may also be required. It’s strongly advised to consult with the specific country’s embassy or consulate before departure.

Should you have any doubts or queries about the documentation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Delta Airlines’ customer service. Longer waits may be experienced during peak travel times so it’s recommended you reach out well in advance of your travel dates.

Remember, forgetting a required document can result in delay or even deny of boarding for your infant. It would be better to have and not need, than need and not have. It’s always wise to keep these requirements in mind when planning your journey with your little ones. The more prepared you are, the smoother the journey can be.

Next, we’ll look at some handy tips for traveling with a lap infant on Delta Airlines. Holding your precious ones close, traversing the blue skies could indeed be a serene experience. Let Delta Airlines take some of the worry off your shoulders by guiding you through necessary steps, ensuring a stress-free journey.

Tips for Traveling with a Lap Infant

Check the Required Documents
Being prepared is the key when traveling with an infant. For domestic flights, a government-issued proof of infant’s age is a must. This could be a birth certificate or any other government-issued document. Before boarding, have these documents in a handy spot. This will help a smooth check-in process.

For international flights, infants require a valid passport. Keep in mind that they might also need a visa depending on the travel destination. Reach out to the embassy or consulate of the country you are visiting to confirm.

Take Advantage of the Pre-boarding
Delta Airline’s pre-boarding option is an excellent opportunity for parents traveling with infants. It allows them to settle into their seats without the usual rush. Use this time to familiarize your baby with the environment. You’re more likely to have a calm, content baby during the flight when they’re at ease.

Pack Essential Items
When you’re traveling with an infant, keeping essential items within reach can make your journey less daunting. Remember to bring a spare set of clothes, diapers, baby wipes, a feeding bottle, and most importantly, food for your baby. Delta Airlines allows you to keep a diaper bag without counting it as a carry-on item.

Ensure Comfort
Long haul flights can be challenging for an infant. You can help them adjust to air pressure changes during takeoff and landing. Encourage your baby to feed or pacify them with a pacifier for comfort.

Need to change the baby’s diaper during the flight? Don’t worry, Delta Airlines’ planes have a changing table in the restroom to accommodate this need.

Whenever possible, seek out empty seats near you. An extra seat for your infant provides more comfort and space for you and your little one during the flight.


So you’ve got the scoop on Delta Airlines’ infant policy. Remember, if your little one’s under two, they can fly on your lap domestically. Just ensure you’ve got proof of age handy. For international flights, you’ll need to book a separate ticket for your infant, regardless of whether they’re on your lap or not. Don’t forget to provide your baby’s name and date of birth while booking.

Keep in mind the documentation you’ll need. A proof of age for domestic flights and a valid passport for international ones. For certain countries, you might need additional documentation like a visa. It’s always a good idea to check with the country’s embassy or consulate before you jet off.

Finally, never hesitate to reach out to Delta’s customer service for any queries. Happy flying with your little one!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Delta Airlines’ domestic flight policy for traveling with an infant?

Delta Airlines allows infants under the age of two to travel for free on the lap of an adult during domestic flights. However, proof of the infant’s age may be required.

Q: Do infants need their own ticket for international flights on Delta Airlines?

Yes, even if the infant is seated on an adult’s lap, they must have their own ticket when traveling on international flights with Delta Airlines.

Q: What information is required when booking a flight for a lap infant?

When booking a flight for a lap infant, the infant’s name and date of birth are required. It’s crucial to provide this information at the time of booking.

Q: What documentation is required for traveling with a lap infant on domestic and international flights with Delta Airlines?

For domestic flights, proof of the infant’s age is necessary. For international flights, a valid passport for the infant is required. Additionally, some countries may require other documents like a visa. It’s advised to consult with the specific country’s embassy or consulate for this information.

Q: Is there a customer service support if I have questions or concerns about Delta Airlines’ lap infant policy?

Absolutely. For any questions or concerns about Delta Airlines’ lap infant policy, you can reach out to their customer service.

Q: What are some tips for traveling with a lap infant on Delta Airlines?

To ensure a smooth journey with a lap infant, make sure to check the required documents, take advantage of pre-boarding, pack essential items, ensure the baby’s comfort, and try to seek out extra seats for more space and comfort during the flight.

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